Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Boyfriend Cardigan





With everyone wearing the boyfriend cardigan these days its nice to know a few more ways to do it other than just throw it over some jeans. Here are a few more ways to do it and things to pair with it to mix things up.

1. Over a dress: I also paired a pendant and some flats with it.

2. With leggings: Here i put it over some metalic leggings and some one inch heels but it could look cute over anyother leggings too.

3. As a dress: i put it with some boho boots and a belt which you cant really see.

4. Over a skirt: at first i tried the cardigan over the skirt just for fun. But it ended up looking kinda cute! Then i put on some cute ankle boots, and voila! i had an outfit!

5. With jeans: In this pic Im just showing how you can dress up the plain 'ol cardigan and jeans look. I put on a metalic belt, a fendora, some oxford heels, and a gem stone necklace.
P.S. (Sorry the pics are out of order! Trouble with the layout)


Britney said...

The cardigan looks really nice over a skirt!

Shen-Shen said...

That stripey cardigan is AMAZINGGG.

ojopj said...

2 is beautiful!